We are the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship Students (ECE Students), Erasmus University Rotterdam’s official entrepreneurial association. Since our establishment in 2013, our mission has been to provide an environment that unites a diverse group of people and to empower them to take entrepreneurial action. We aim to spread entrepreneurial values and cultivate an innovative mindset among students. By providing a talented network, fostering relevant abilities and empowering students, we create opportunities for the entrepreneurial-minded across campus while seeking to contribute to Rotterdam’s innovative and entrepreneurial scene.
Our Community
We encourage our members to take full ownership of their projects and to experiment with new initiatives through the association’s ‘lean’ organization, where all events are executed as collaborative team projects, referred to as event committees. We differentiate ourselves by our members’ autonomy – just like they would in a startup environment. The experience of organizing events from start to finish doesn’t only compensate for the curricular standards set by the university but allows students to take responsibility to an extent that – considering their age and professional expertise – wouldn’t usually have the chance to at any conventional workplace.